I have been talking to some friends about grocery shopping. One says she is an on the whim shopper and the other one buys bottled water and ice. Do you all see a problem here, I do
Never go grocery shopping and pick up whatever you want when you want. To save money at the grocery store, you should 1. never go there hungry (or thirsty), 2. have a list. 3, always have your coupons with you. A list gives you an idea of how much are you going be spending, this helps to keep you within budget. Now, there are times when you can (and should) get items that are not on the list. One of these times is when there is an item on sale, that you normally buy but don't need to purchase at this time, go ahead and get that item. Why pay full price next week (or the week after) if you can get it on sale now.
The only time you should buy bottled water is when you are running errands and forget to bring at drink from home with you (or you drank it all before your errands were done). The only time you should buy ice is when you are hosting a party and need it to full up coolers. If you seriously think about this, you can save a lot of money (and time) if you purchased a water filter. Pur and Brita water filters are not expensive and in the long run you will save money.
Tip; Time is money. Plan out your weekly grocery shops, that would limit how many times a week you go to the grocery store.